Monday, 14 September 2015

inside out cast

                    Anger: Lewis Black 


                                                  Joy: Amy Poehler

                        Sadness: Phyllis Smith

                       Fear: Bill Hader


                          Disgust: Mindy Kaling

                      Bing-Bong: Richard Kind

                         Riley: Kaitlyn Dias



inside out meet your emotions

Disgust                              Joy

Disgust keeps Riley                 Joy keeps Riley happy when
from being poisoned                 when she needs to have fun.
physically and socially.

 Anger                                    Fear

Anger cares,a lot,about              Fear is a very kind and
things being fair and when        helps you overcome surprises
life is not fair he can go a          in his own special way.
little over the top!


sandness makes Riley

sad but only when she

needs to remember what's

realy important.


Image result for inside out riley baby
